Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Homepage der Charles Stanley Cowes Classics Week ist seit ein paar Tagen online – Meldesystem inklusive: www.cowesclassicsweek.org/

The entry system is now live. We would encourage you enter as soon as possible as entries have a bearing on how we resource the event for which we need to plan well ahead – especially with the anticipated expansion. You can also book tickets for the social events there.  If you mouse over the menu item ‘Entry & Tickets’ there is an option to view a helpful guide to the entry process.

Do contact us with any queries.  Hoping to see many of you there – regards, David Elliott, on behalf of the organising committee

Cowes Classics Week is intended for: All metre boats; 12mR, 8mR, 6mR, 5.5mR and Daring. Classic racing dayboats and one designs including, but not restricted to, Dragon (classic and modern)
